Growing Together
Respecting Each Other


                                   In 2F, we love listening to stories, information and poetry, and reading them for ourselves.


In autumn term 1, we will be enjoying reading these books:

    Lighthouse.jpg    big book.jpg

If you would like to listen to them at home, here are the links to videos where you can watch them over and over again!

The Lighthouse Keeper's Lunch       and    The Big Book of the Blue

We will be reading the poem ' The End' by A.A.Milne.  If you want to listen to it, follow the link below and there are the words to the poem in the files on the page.

The End by A.A.Milne

Files to Download

Sherdley Primary School
Mill Lane, St Helens, Merseyside, WA9 4HA
Office Admin Team: Mrs K Tilley | Mrs N Woods
SENDCO: Mrs J Stroud
Mrs J Stroud can be contacted via the main school email address - [email protected]
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