Growing Together
Respecting Each Other

5M 2024 - 2025

Miss McDonald

Class 5Mc Teacher

Mrs Clarke

Welcome to 5M Class Page


Hello and welcome to Y5's class page. 5M's teacher is called Miss McDonald and we are supported by Mrs Kinder. MIss Corless will be covering Tuesday afternoons. We hope you find the information and files on this page informative. 

Miss McDonald
Miss McDonald

   Sarah Kinder.jpg



PE for 5M for the autumn term are Mondays and Fridays. Earring must not be worn for PE and we would appricate it if the children would take these out bofore coming to school, so we don;t loose them. Please make sure your child has a NAMED PE kit. Also, please bring your child to school WEARING their PE kit on PE days. All earrings must be removed prior to the session. 

Swimming will take place in the Spring term.

House Points

In class we use Trackit Lights to earn house points! The more house points we earn the more likely our house will earn house point haribos at the end of the half term! We also earn bronze, silver and gold certificates if we reach 50, 200 and 500 house points! Come on 5M know we can reach those goals!

Reading and Boomreader

Reading is a hugely crucial element to all elements of your child's education! In KS2, we use  Bomreader to log reading in school and at home, please log your child's reading on Boomreader from September. Logins will be provided for you! 

Your child can now win Bronze, Silver or Gold awards for reading at home! More information on this in the newsletter! 



Reading is so important! Please read regularly with your child and also make sure they can answer comprehension questions about the book. Books can be brought in and changed once they are completed. Please log ALL reading on Go Read, now that the children are in Year 5, they can log their own reading. 

We are using a spelling scheme in school called Spelling Shed! The children can access this at home to practise the spelling which they are learning class, that week.  There are no longer spellings tests in school, but we would appreciaite it if you could spend a couple of minutes a day practising these with you child. They will be on the website and on their account on Spellingshed. 

It is important that your child knows their times-tables, this is help them with their maths lessons when mutliplying larger numbers and decimals.. TTRockstars can help with this and your child can log on at home. If they have forgotten their password please as and I will get it to them.  There are  a number of games which the children can play. Here are two of them:

We also use a porgram called purplemash. This program covers a range of subjects and can be uselful to practise the times tables and other areas of maths, English and other subjects. The children have been given their usernames and passwords.



Please click the Attendance title above to view attendance information and your class position in Sherdley's Attendance League. The winning class receives a treat at the end of each half term!

Files to Download

5M: News items

Whole School Attendance, by Mrs Eccleston

5M: Blog items

There are no blog items to display

5M: Gallery items

There are no Gallery items to display

5M: Calendar items

Year 5 Bikeability, by Mrs Tilley

KS2 Church, by Mrs Tilley

KS2 Church, by Mrs Tilley

Sherdley Primary School
Mill Lane, St Helens, Merseyside, WA9 4HA
Office Admin Team: Mrs K Tilley | Mrs N Woods
SENDCO: Mrs J Stroud
Mrs J Stroud can be contacted via the main school email address - [email protected]
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